Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Int'l Indian School Fee hike - Parents appeal to the Principal

We, parents of International Indian School Jeddah, have received circular ref. IIS/JED/PRL/2010-11 dated 22-March-2011 from Principal Mr. Syed Masood Ahmed  regarding fees increase effective from April 2011. 

We, parents are not against expanding and upgrading infrastructural facilities to equip our children with the best possible skills to meet the academic and technological demands.  Instead, we appreciate Principal for his sincere undertaking of this noble mission. 

However, we feel the International Indian School Jeddah Authority is not considering the parents as part of the school reforms and development but simply considering them merely as ‘fee payers’ which is not agreeable to a democratic community school. More transparency in all matters, especially in financial things is required. 

As we know, all development at a time to implement in the school is quite impossible. It can be start on priority basis where to accumulate heavy income at a time is not essential.  

We highly recommend the school Authority to form PTA to express their views and allow us to be a part of solutions of school issues. Also, we recommend reinstating a proper School Management committee to discuss and resolve all the relevant issues of school in a democratic way.
IISJ parents are requested to leave their valuable comments below in a respected manner to convince the Authorities of School to reconsider their odd move in this regard.  

Thank you.
IIS/JED/PRL/2010-11                                                                                    22 March 2011
Dear Parent,
International Indian Schools in Saudi Arabia have been playing a major role in meeting the educational needs of the Indian community in the Kingdom for more than four decades. The valuable contribution of these schools is attested to by the fact that the number of such schools has increased to 10, with combined strength of more than 50,000 students. All International Indian Schools have maintained academic excellence despite the strain caused due to increase in number of students due to ‘open admission’ policy generally practiced by them. However, some of these schools are now finding it difficult to cater to new admissions due to infrastructural limitations.

2.         International Indian School, Jeddah was started in 1969 with 6 students to cater to the requirements of Indian community residing in the Western province. The school has excelled in all spheres since its inception and holds the distinction of being one of the largest schools in the region, with 10,600 enrolled students. The academic and co-curricular achievements of students of IIS Jeddah are better than other CBSE schools in the region despite having comparatively lower fee structure. 

3.         Ambassador and the Patron of International Indian Schools in Saudi Arabia and the Higher Board have directed that the school should significantly expand and upgrade infrastructural facilities to equip our children with the best possible skills to meet the academic and technological demands placed upon them by the prevailing environment scenario. International Indian School, Jeddah will be pursuing following goals in future to meet these objectives:

(i)              Purchase of land/construction of school building:  The existing premises of the school are inadequate to meet the requirements of additional classrooms generated due to new admissions and the school has been forced to hire villas to cater to new admissions. Despite the hiring of villas, school is able to grant admission to about 1600 students out of 3900 new applicants. The rent liability on school has increased to SR 1 million.

The school plans to acquire land plot of 50000 sq. mtrs.  and construct new premises which would be sufficient to cater to the new admissions for at least next ten years. The purchase of land and construction of premises is expected to cost SR 70 million. However, the self-owned premises would not only ensure financial savings in terms of annual rent but also permit school to grant new admissions without strain on infrastructure.

(ii)               Up-gradation of school facilities:   The academic environment in CBSE schools has undergone a sea-change after the introduction of “Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation” . The new system, which focuses on holistic personality development of children, poses new challenges for students, teachers and schools. The school has drawn up an ambitious agenda for up-gradation of its academic facilities, especially Information Technology and science laboratories. The school intends to spend nearly SR 2 million in the near future towards improvement of classrooms into “smart” classrooms. The existing sports facilities will also be upgraded to improve the non-academic performance of our students. The school plans to introduce e-libraries for the students in near future.

(iii)     Improvement in teaching standards: The school is working tirelessly to improve the capacity and performance of our teaching staff to further improve academic performance of students. The school intends to hire competent teachers from India by obtaining more visas for teaching staff.  However, the recruitment of good teachers from India is hampered by the fact that salary structure for teachers in good schools in India is now far better than the salaries offered by us.

           We have found that the existing salary structure for teachers in school generally fails to attract the best teachers. We intend to revise the salary scales of teaching and non-teaching staff, which has been frozen for several years. The proposed revision will not only motivate and improve the performance of existing staff, but will enable the school to attract best talent as teachers. The salary revision is aimed at overall betterment of teaching standards of the school.

(iv)      Improvement in infrastructural facilities: Several parents have complained about lack of proper infrastructural facilities in school, including unhygienic toilet facilities, inadequate security arrangements and unsatisfactory transportation arrangements. The school will take necessary steps to address these concerns to the satisfaction of parents. The existing janitorial staff would be increased, new buses will be purchased to meet transportation requirements and security of school premises will be enhanced. The non-revision of fee structure by school for several years has led to deterioration of school’s financial condition.

4.                  Taking these factors into account, the school has no choice but to go for upward revision of fee structure for the school. The Higher Board has approved the following fee structure for the school, keeping in mind the financial requirements of the school in future, the existing financial position of the school and the general affordability of parents.

Existing Fees
Revised Fees
I to V
VI to X
30% Concession from 3rd Child onwards.
Building Development Fund (Payable once at the time of admission)
First Child
SR 1000/-
Second Child
SR 750/-
Third Child
SR 500/-
Fourth Child onwards
Bus Fee

Monthly  fee for each student irrespective of levels
SR 100
SR 115
SR 125
SR 135
SR 210  
            The new fee structure is still low in comparison to the fee charged by the other private schools in the region.

5.         I would like to reassure that the additional funds generated through the fee revision will be spent only for the betterment of education for children studying in the school.

Yours sincerely,

Syed Masood Ahmed

Distribution to:
All Parents of IIS, Jeddah


  1. I am one of the many parents who are severely affected by the fee hike if IISJ. My three children are studying in IISJ and I have to pay SR 982/month in the school where my income is SR 2600/-
    I am ready to come anywhere to raise my voice against this un justified fee hike.

    Please inform me about the progress

    Muhammad elyas eliat.

    Mobole: 0567459295

  2. IISJ is the prime institution for education in Jeddah.

    The present salary structure is not attracting talented teachers to the school.

    Teachers deserve a standard living and their salary should be at par with the salary structure in the job market.

    In my opinion, the salary for the teachers need basic re-structuring (not normal salary increase).

    A fee hike for this purpose is a must.

    Other facility increment in school may be debatable considering the payment capacity of parents.

  3. Dear all
    This is to share with everyone that nobody is against a nominal increase in the fee to have a better education and infrastructure. IISJ should realise that many parents are fighting hard to meet both the end.
    Saudi Arabia is a land of Baraka. Unlike other gulf states, here we can see many living with family with an income of 2000 riyal and less.not many are enjoying a family status at their work and still they are living with family. Being a community school IISJ should consider rich and poor. Second\third onward pupil should be given more discount to share the burden of the parent. An increment of 40% is not justified.
    I hope the concerned will open their eyes in this respect.

    Mohammad Elyas Eliat
    Mobile : 0567459295

  4. Good day
    I have 2 children studying in Indian School, Elder son in (9th Std, and younger Daughter in 2nd Std, IISJ Girls.
    Other than the fee hike, Onceagain I would like to bring all of your attention against :
    TRANSPORT FEE during school vacation which is only here in KSA. My son studied in MES Indian School,Qatar and Al Ain Indian School, Al ain,UAE. where I never paid transportation fee during vacation.
    So if we raise this issue a parent can save an average of SR25/- per month for each child.....

    One more thing to say - the school reopens on different date for different classes, So please fix a date after April 12th to protest against the fee hike so that all the students/parents can participate by not sending their childrens to school, also publish this date well in advance in all media's not only malayalam but also english, local daily arabic (so that it gains more publicity within Jeddah) and urudu and other daily new paper from Hyderabad moreover I believe if it is also published in other Indian news papers within the country, people of India, politicians will also see this....
    * Please do inform me about all the future actions..

    Thanks, regards

    Riyas Kommoth

  5. Dear,
    I strongly disagree against the fee hike at IISJ.
    Thanks Rgds / Saheer

  6. I am Muhammad Basheer, the father of three children studying at IISJ - Jeddah. The mail is to express my solidarity with all your efforts againt the recent unjustifiable fee hike at IISJ. We can support a reasonable fee hike but, not looting. We should not confine the issue to the fee hike. we should also come forward to form a parents body to raise many issues related with the school. Please update me any developments in this regard.

    Muhammad Basheer

  7. @ Ilyas:

    The concept of community school need redefining in the present context.
    I studied in a govt. school in 1980s. In my class around 5 out 38 passed the SSLC exam (Approx. figures from memory). Today the same school has improved a lot to near 100% pass!

    Thanks to the Vijayabheri project of Malappuram district council and the vigilant parents who now want to make sure that their children should not have the same experience which they had in 1980s.

    The question is: Which one of the following is important?

    1. To leave the school teachers at the present salary structure and leave the school to a degraded school?

    2. To squeeze the parents a little bit and ensure the education level of the school by preventing talent drain and attracting new talents to school?

    I am 100% convinced that the present salary structure need basic re-structuring.

    The salary of an 18 year experienced teacher in 6 to 8 block is SR. 3,250 plus three month housing.

    Another new teacher (Post graduate in Science + BEd) appointed couple of month ago in 9 to 12 was appointed at a basic salary of Sr. 2,445!

    Gentlemen with this salary you can not even think of getting C grade teachers.

    Forget C+, B, B+ teachers.

    Now many are complaining about possible looting.

    We should fight against looting by all means out there.

  8. Good day
    it is regretted that some parents whom God blessed with five digit income has been monopolizing IISJ management. if an illiterate can be a minister in democratic India, how can anyone fix a minimum qualification to be a board member of IISJ.
    Teaching is the most respected profession in the world and no doubt they must be reasonably paid. Vijayabheri project and cent percent pass did not come by squeezing the parents instead it happened by actively participating the parents in the school management.
    Most of the IISJ teachers are earning by private tuition.can anyone guarantee that they will stop these coaching if their salary is revised. IISJ has been showing good result in the board exams and do you think by hiring B+ or A+ teachers from Delhi will train the puple to fly overnight. all these are excuses to justify looting. Some mafia is behind the screen to benefit from this.
    " I complaint of my distress and grief to Allah alone"

  9. farsana farzu wrote:
    Asalamualaikum ..
    this is to inform u about the increment of fee.. this is affecting the whole indian community .. now adays living expenditure is rising day by day due to increment of house rent and consumer products etc .. and now this school fees also .. this will effect mainly on middle class indian community ..bcz all the indian are coming abroad for earnings and to look after their beloved ones over there in india opinion to increment of school fee is exploiting the middle class indian community ... if this situation goes around then most of the indians will suffer in all levels ..
    with regards
    Shahul hameed (parent)
    mob:- 050 2327568

  10. Mehaboob has left a new comment on your post "Int'l Indian School Fee hike - Parents appeal to t...":

    Dear Principal,

    The CCE scheme was introduced in 2009 by CBSE is to encourage a holistic assessment of students, including in co-scholastic areas of life skills, attitudes and value. This means education has been transformed from teaching to learning, where teacher, student and the parents playing vital roles.
    Does this fee increase alone will improve the standards and quality of education? Does the teachers will be more committed if their salary is increased. The answer will be a big ‘No’. If you ask HR Mangers about the correlation of salary increase versus the productivity or commitment, most of them would say it is only a motivation in initial stages and later on employee will ask more. This doesn’t mean to give less to the employees especially teachers who are involving in nation building by providing quality education.
    IISJ’s approach is not parents friendly by taking irrational decisions in fee hike without looking the current scenario in Saudi economy. What we are afraid of is another inflation, it will affect expatriates working class. Also, there is no transparency in the school’s fund management. Right to information is a fundamental right. Even, PM’s office is coming under this law. Parents’ participation is more important in the suggested proposals by IISJ Principal and hence a parents body should be involved in such reforms. Also, higher authorities should take the confidence of parents and more transparent system is needed to ensure that the money is managed wisely and teachers delivering their parts effectively.
    The private tuition of teachers should be banned if teachers get decent salaries. Private tuition is another burden on parents.
    Fee hike in the current percentage is unacceptable and need to revise the school management system by involving in elected bodies.

    Mehaboob Ahmed

  11. @ Elyas
    Forget A+ or A class techers.
    Whatever we pay, they will not come to Saudi Arabia.
    Vijayabheri: Malappuram distric council (the pioneer district of Vijayabheri) allocated a lot of fund and mobilized a group of special employees for this program.
    Looting / Behind the scene Mafia....?!Bring them to light, let us fight them out together.

    @ Mehboob:
    I mark my full support for transperancy requested by Mr. Mehboob.

    Salary alone is not a motivation, but without a decent salary you can not maintain the present talent or attract new talents to the school. I have mentioned the salary of a teacher with 18 years of experience and a newly appointed teacher.
    Is this a reasonable salary? Why only general talk by all, neglecting the numbers?

  12. Dears,
    I strongly support a reasonable salary increase for the staff. Same time the quality of teaching must be improved a lot. A PTA is a must at IISJ like most of the schools in our country. Financial statements and its transparency is a basic requirement. We also need a Management Committee for this school.
    A fee increase, if required, should have been instructed after thorough study by an MC or a committee with a representation of some qualified parents authorized to do such a task.

  13. Expressing my disagreement with the current fee hike by IISJ, I would like to bring the following to the attention of all parents and school officials as well:
    · Salary structure of the so called “talented teachers” is not in par with the job market? It’s a known fact that most of the teachers are just housewives trying to support the household income or trying to get away of the boredom doing nothing at home. Yes there are some really good teachers amongst them, but how many?

    · Just a 10 Sr. increase per student with the capacity of 10,000 students will increase the school revenue by Sr. 100,000 per month which is 1,200,000 per year. This is in addition to the massive fund that already exists.

    · If there is a genuine desire to serve the community as a whole, then the school funds can be put into fixed deposits in the local banks in the many schemes that they offer. The returns could be used for the betterment of the school and procuring other technological teaching aids. In this way the prime account is still safe and it generates revenues which could be used to ease the burden on the parents.

    · I know of many parents whose salary raise in the past 5 years has not exceeded 400 Sr. Mind you I am not talking about “labor class”, but white & blue collar employees working in well-known companies.

    · As Mr. Riyas Kommoth rightly stated, burdening the parents with the transportation fee during the vacation period is not at all justifiable and that too knowing the type of buses plying without proper air-conditioning system. Every time a student or parent complains, the recorded answer is “we are getting new buses” soon.

    · There has to be a direct involvement of a parent’s body with the school administration. The school is not a proprietary business but a non-profitable entity started by our predecessors for the welfare of our community. The removal of the parents from the school committee is the worst thing that has happened and I believe it’s not only my desire but of all parents that the parents should be part of the committee.

    I do hope that to the better interest of the community as a whole, the school managing committee will once again re-consider the facts and reach out an amicable solution that is acceptable to all.
    Jai Hind

  14. The current fee structure revision is not at all fair for the the parents of IISJ. The school Management have to aware that , the most of Indians work here for a low salary and in an unpleasant atmosphere, but they are obliged. Majority of the parents are still work with same salary since they joined and they don’t have other options too. I do agree that, a few of them have better positions, Al hamdulillah.

    Though the case we are not all against to increase the salaries of staff and improve the quality of Education. Of course, It must have, but this is not to be a reason to increase the fee heavily.

    I Kindly request to the management to re-structure it as affordable for everyone.

    Thank you,

    Mohamed Kunheen

  15. @ Brahma

    It is an irresponsible comment from Mr. Brahma about IISJ teachers in "inverted commas" and the teaching "house wifes".

    There are some teachers who are not up to the mark or are not delivering their responsibility to the expected level. But they are comparatively less in number. At least Mr. Brahma should have appreciated the good teachers along with his hard criticism of bad teachers.

    I totally disagree with this comment and request the teachers NOT to consider this as the collective opinion of the parents community in Jeddah. We are very happy with the scholastic and non-scholastic progress the school has made in the recent past under the leadership of principal Masood Sir, the teachers and the then management committee(s).

    In general we, as parents, are proud of the school and appreciate the hard work from most of the teachers. The 4,000 plus applicants for admission this year is a clear proof for this improvement in quality in IISJ.

  16. Dears,
    I have a kind request that when we comment on the quality of teachers and the teaching at IISJ, one shall try to be a lot more sincere and realistic in their opinion such as the strength in the class rooms, a comparison in teaching quality with other schools in the town, results IISJ achieves in the board exams, exam results of schools in India especially those with huge strength etc please.

  17. As a parent I I have some queries:
    If the teachers are doing their best for the students and still they are not satisfied with the existing pay scale they have,
    Why they are not leaving the school ?
    Why the teachers themselves are encouraging the students to go for private tuition classes?
    Again, if most of the teachers are brilliant How come the number of students (from IISJ) who get through the Entrance admission Test are very few when compared to their counter parts in India ?
    That means the existing situation of the school needs a complete and thorough evaluation. Instead of entrusting the management with a few the politicians with vested interests, the parents and teachers should be adequately represented in the Managing committee, as they know what is good for the school.
    Just for your information, there are teachers who do not have the minimum basic idea of grammar (eg. The difference of feminine and masculine genders in a language), teaching our children !

  18. assalamu alaikkum ,
    the contents of the notice issued regarding the fee hike of iisj , stated that the parents of 35% students get a salary above 10,000 sr . but when enquired among the students of 9th - 12th block not even a single kid was asked or enquires abt the salary issue or neither was any info given abt the salary of their fathers by any of them . and even if 35% are he one getting salary above 10,000 , wat will the other 65% going to do abt the fee payement of their kids .

  19. @Beeran

    From what Mr. Beeran wrote it sounds as though all the teachers in the school are bad.

    There are very good teachers as well in the school. For example (from my limited knowledge):
    Mariyadas, Haneefa, Ashraf, A. Rahman etc for Physics
    Zinath, Nuzhath, Afros, etc. for English,
    Hari, Ibrahim, Najjar Kutty, Abid, Manjula etc. for mathematics
    Nida, Deepa, Shahida etc. for lower class science classes.

    Let us be fair when we write complaints. I don't mind if someone write specific complaint about a particular teacher. Branding all the teachers as bad can not be read and left without responding.

  20. @ beeran
    Its funny to read beeran's comments on IISJ students not getting entrance exams back in India. Its not bcz of the teachers. Students should have calibre and inteligence without which nobody can help them to get through such competitive exams. As we know, most of people from our country find jobs here because they have no calibre to get a job in India. So we cannot expect from their children such calibre. So if Beeran wants his children here to get entrance exams, Beeran should be intelligent, wise and brilliant. There are many students from IISJ now studying back in India after getting through such exams. Its bcz their parents are also equally good and determined abt their children. Can Mr. Beeran say that all the students who fail in entrance exams in India are from Indian Schools in Saudi? So such wild allegations are improper and irresponsible. Don't repeat such foolishness again in this forum of parents who want only their children get good education and not tarnish the image of teachers there. SO beeran should not talk like a private school owner who wants to destroy the IISJ and mint money.

  21. I refer to my earlier comments on the low salary scale for the teachers in IISJ.
    In my opinion, teachers deserve a substantial increase in their salaries without any dealy.

    I tried to do an independent analysis of the fee hike. Based on this analysis it is possible to have a gross increase of about SR. 1758/- per teacher.
    Cut and paste below link to see the analysis.

    My question is: Are the teachers going to get a reasonable salary increase in this range or are they going to get a normal increase of 15% or 20%?

    Will the parents get an explanation from the school authorities?

  22. @Lathief

    Teachers will never get such an increase. Its definite. The school authoriteis have already decided the ways to spend money!!!!!

  23. We are never against the salary updating of teachers, in comparison with the price hike, they also should get satisfactory increment in their salary. Teachers are not something imported, but they are some from us our brothers, sisters, friends and so on. But it can be done by a 5% increment in salary.

    By the present salary itself, this increment can be covered. If paid more, they will be sincere to the employer, means the result will be to our children. We can get it by calculating the number of students in a block that is 1-IV and the available or required staff to the same block.

    It is heard that there are near to 1800 students in higher secondary section where there is 100 teachers. 1800*220 (fee b4 increment) = 396000/month. 396000 / 100 = 3960.00 per head. It is sure there are some other exp like non teaching staff, etc. As the salary is 3000 or so, it is easy to apply a 20% by the present revenue itself.

    And the recommended 5% increment can be used for the updating of teaching materials for the quality education including, the said new electronic boards, labs, new teachers to limit the number of students in classes in 40 etc.

    If there is no room for further students, it is better to allow them to look for other institution instead of giving admission which cause for low quality education

    The reserve fund; for service this much huge amount is required??

    There should be a democrative body to help in the administration of school, and a PTA is required to have good relation between the teachers and parents.

    If he says, school is of ours, we should have the right to know the revenue, expense and other information; that is the account should be known to all.

    It is reported that some classes do not have teachers till now,

    Hygiene is very poor. The bath rooms are very dirty, the cleaners are just watchers.

  24. Clarifications required from IISJ Management

    1. Comparison of IISJ with private school is improper. IISJ is a community school funding by the parents. Their only aim is to get their children educated, NO OTHER FINANCIAL PROFIT. So, IISJ is not a PROFIT CENTER.

    The Private Schools are PROFIT MAKING CENTERS for their owner(s). They have established their schools only to make money by selling education. They will keep the fees always high.

    2. Without revealing audited balance sheet of the IISJ to the parents, why imposing further fees hike on parents in the pretext of financial requirement to upgrade the school? How do parents know, IISJ is really in financial burden? Three Ex-Chairmen clearly revealed in front of media that IISJ has no financial problem, and it has enough bank balance to fulfill these requirements. It is not because of the money shortage that teachers are underpaid, but it is because of the negative attitude of the Management.

    3. Can you ensure that teachers will get a reasonable salary hike, even after implementing this huge hike? Based on my experience with IISJ, my opinion is that teachers will get maximum SR.75 to 125 only!

    What about the teachers on ad-hoc basis. Considerable number of teachers are on ad-hoc basis and some of them are staying with IISJ for more than 3 to 4 years!! Why the Management is still keeping them on ad-hoc basis? Management want to make money by not paying them vacation salary and by deducting all leaves. Can you make sure that they will get even that 75 SR. increase? Can you at least ensure that their salary is not deducted, if they took a one day leave for genuine reason?

    4. Concerning the transportation fee hike, from the inception of IISJ it was same fare within whole Jeddah. Now the IISJ Management has imposed many slabs within Jeddah to find ways to loot the parents! Moreover, there is no fuel hike in the Kingdom. Please note that during vacation period also, the parents are forced to pay the transportation fees!

    Even the Limousine companies are not increased their fare since very long! So, why IISJ have increased the transportation fees? Can you give a proper answer?

    5. Why the transportation is subcontracted to the private parties? Can you deny that somebody is getting financial benefit out of this? Because of the private buses, the kids are reaching home after 4:30 pm, even though their school time ends at 12:30 pm. Why?

    6. Quote from Arab news, Dr. Karimuddin said “Twenty-one members were involved in this decision and you shall agree that all these 21 people are not fools or enemies of the community” .

    Who is Dr. Karimuddin? Is he a parent? If not, why he is in the Management Committee? Why he is imposing his rule on parents?

    Basheer BK

  25. Yesterday, I visited our new KG Section and I noticed the following:

    1- Previous years there was 40 to 45 students in one class with two teachers. This year (with high fees) 30 to35 students in a class with one teacher. That means around 50% deduction in teachers in KG section. The teacher told me she cannot take care of the students like last years
    2 - Regarding Transportation : Previous years we have paid SR 100, now they are collecting different amount for different area.
    As the teacher told me the KG section time is ending at 12:30, the teachers allowing the students to leave with private or personal transportation after this time . But our new Contract transportation agents are taking the children from the school after 2 to 2:15 because they want drop the I & IInd standard students, that means the 3 ½ old small children to spend there from 12:30 to 2:15, and the bus should cover the area of the 3 or 4 bus of school buses. The children will reach their house around 4 to 4:30.
    The school hours of 3 ½ old children is from 09 to 4:30 – 7 ½ hours.

    I discussed with school driver, he told me they have time to take these students that they are did last years.

    3 to +2 classes : The strength of the students in the classes as same or more than the previous years. So how and when they are going to increase the standard of the school or when we can expect the benefit of the high fees.

    Abdul Majeed KK.

  26. Congrats for opening a 'cyber window' for your fight against Fee hike in IISJ. I extend my solidarity to this great move.

  27. @basheer bk

    Who is Dr. Karimuddin? Is he a parent? If not, why he is in the Management Committee? Why he is imposing his rule on parents?
    Dear Basheer, Pls ask these questions to the Ambassador of India Mr. Talmiz ahmed. What is the use of these questions to the community?

  28. I haven't paid fee for my two wards for April in solidarity with parents protest. Can anyone comment is there a similar mode of collective action.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Dears,
    I am a parent, Let we talk about Transportation also.
    The School bus have a seating capacity of 30 and it filling between 40 and 50, as normal it takes 3 trips.
    Pls calculate that average 45 X 3 = 135 students and 125/ SR = 16,875/- SR/month.
    How much paying for a Driver + Bus maintenance? Say 5000~6000.
    i.e. every month balance from a bus is aprox 11,000/SR.
    Per year 1,32,000/SR. wow !!! what a GOOD Business.
    Since 12 years, my children going in the same bus.
    Some time A/C not working or Brake down…etc
    If all parents a Bus will take some share and BUY a BUS, they can earn every month.
    Think practically, and escape from ..............
    Jai Hind

  31. Dears,
    The possibilities are that willingly or unwillingly we will end up paying the increased fees. Suggest that the leaders shall make an attempt to approach the decision makers to implement what they have offered?
    We should intensify the follow up for constituting PTA and MC at the earliest so that we parents can communicate more effectively.
    Accountability is a must otherwise we will end up paying but nothing will come in return.

  32. Dear All;

    IISJ is a money making machine. No one cares about students and studies. Only a few teachers paid measly , fulfill their duties and earn halal money.
    IISJ - Members and management- DO THEY CARE!!! NO . They are here to give speeches they themselves dont understand and apply, and rake in the MOOLAH at the expense of poor families stuck in Saudi Arabia.


    WHO AM I?
    Former unfortunate Student of IISJ
    Educational Qualifications:
    BE, MBA, MS( UK),(PhD)
    My designation:
    Managing Director
    Tagus Mill BMS Engineering Co.
    Riyadh- KSA
